Behold A Pale Face, And He Was The Devil Wrapped in a Butchers Apron,
And Hell Followed With Him!
And Hell Followed With Him!
The Union Jack is known to many victims as the The Butchers Apron, where
the sun never set on the empire and the blood of her victims never dried. |
British crimes against humanity are so vast and numerous it is itself a task to plot the career starting point of this most criminal of nations. For ease of reference I will start with the British slave trade which followed of course their invasion and dismemberment of indigenous North America.
Although the British murder body count runs into hundreds of millions, this blog will attempt, based on documented historical estimates, to tally for the first time the total sum of murder victims up until the recent murderous British air raids against Libya in 2011.
Genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
British culture amounts to little more than a
pungent skid-mark on the history canvas of civilization
N.B: due to the enormity of Britain's imperialist crimes
this rap sheet can never be a complete record
this rap sheet can never be a complete record
Estimated deaths: 4 million plus innumerable descendants of slaves
Estimated slaves: 3.4 million
Since the delivery of millions of slaves by the British to North America, millions of the slave descendants have been born and atrophied in racist oppression. Today across the United States hundreds of thousands of African Americans languish in jails, many more live in grinding poverty. The enduring criminality of the British slave trade is in fact infinite and unquantifiable.
Even the fabled Dr Livingstone has been been proven to be a liar and butcher of Africans. As is so typical of his anglophile breed Livingstone concealed his own gory crimes by inditing other foreigners, in this case Arab slavers. This modus-operandi is a classic and enduring scam that has served British propaganda so well - the candy that coats British history and culture so thickly is in truth rank with the blood of perfidy.
Enduring spoils for the British: estimated profit for Britain amounted to 5% of the economy during the trade period. Allied to its anglophile superpower spawn, the United States of America.
Dr Livingstone: a murderer and liar I presume
NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS 1620 - present day
Estimated deaths: min 15 million and counting - non-anglo estimates up to 100 million. Absolute extinction of tribes. Bio-terrorism - intentionally infecting tribes with disease.
Enduring criminality: the myth of scalping falsely attributed to Native Americans, was in fact a practice introduced by the British in search of head bounties. The myth of 'Indian' scalping and the savage connotations that goes with this has of course been propagandized in anglophile media most notably Hollywood Westerns. The British are experts in demonizing their victims; hence their genocidal success.
As with Canadian, Australian and New Zealand surviving indigenous populations, American Indian communities are ravaged with drugs, alcohol and despair.
"One of the generals...Sheridan said: that the bison hunters had done more to control the American Indian than all the Calvary put together. We basically starved a lot of American Indians out - those that we didn't kill instantly with smallpox and measles. We stole this continent from other people. We just took it" (Dr Eric Pianka, St Edwards University Transcript 6 April 2006).
Enduring spoils for the British: as with the African slave trade, British spawn (descendants) dispossessed Native Americans of their land to eventually seize and annex all fertile territory including the oil rich southern States. In spite of the American Revolution the British reconciled with their Americanized spawn to continue the resource pillaging of the indigenous world until the present.
"The only good Indian is a dead Indian" General Phillip Sheridan
Trail of Tears or forced march under "Indian Removal Act"
killed some 5000 Indians
Moral cowardice and denialism goes hand in hand
with anglophile historians
KENYA 1890 - 1963
Estimated deaths: min 30 000 and counting.
Enduring spoils for the British: many anglo spawn colonists still own and farm fertile lands maintaining strong links with their mother country Britain. British meddling in Kenyan affairs continues.
ZIMBABWE (formerly Rhodesia or Southern Rhodesia) 1890 -1980
Estimated deaths: unknown min 10 000 from atrophic consequences of British colonization.
Enduring criminality: post independent Zimbabwe plagued by British meddling and sabotage causing great hardship. For the last decade or so Britain, led by its BBC and affiliated anglo media, has engaged in an almost farcical demonizing campaign against Robert Mugabe and Zimbabwe in general. Readers will recall hysterical anglo media streams of wheelbarrows of Zimbabwean dollars required to purchase a loaf of bread or toilet paper in downtown Harare. This propaganda was followed up with the apocalyptic projections of a cholera epidemic. None of these campaigns succeeded in 'toppling' Mugabe...yet. Again its interesting to note the modus operandi of the British in demonizing their victim nations both former and current, and how the corporate media along with 'academia' reinforce this strategy.
Enduring spoils for the British: Up until recently most fertile land owned by anglo farmers with strong links to their mother country Britain.
anglophile media furiously peddled these often staged images in an effort to shame Mugabe for his stand against anglo / british farmers who 'owned' 90% of fertile Zimbabwe land
"Britain is still complacently ignoring its gory cruelties of its empire"
SIERRA LEONE 1787 - 1961
Estimated deaths: min 150 000 and counting mainly attributed to post-independent conflict and blood diamonds
Enduring criminality: legacy of British colonization and continued imperialist meddling produced horrific conflict. The hyenas of British imperialism continue to stalk impoverished and chaotic African nations waiting to pounce on opportunities brought about from relentless conlfict ridden turmoil.
Enduring spoils for the British: blood diamonds and geo-politics
divide and conquer - the perrenial British way
NIGERIA 1900- 1960
Enduring criminality: Nigerian economy warped in favour of anglo oil production. Independent Nigerian nation defiled and exploited by British sabotage and exploitation. Millions of Nigerians displaced from internal conflict.
Enduring spoils for the British: anglo-american dominance of oil and resources.
UGANDA 1884 - 1962
Estimated deaths: min 1 million from internal conflicts created & or exacerbated by British and counting.
Enduring criminality: ongoing conflict and atrocities largely perpetuated by Idi Amin and the Lords Resistance Army. The LRA leader Joseph Kony is currently being sought the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity. These modern day conflicts are largely traced to the favorite British strategy of 'divide and conquer' ie. the creation of rival indigenous kingdoms within the colony. The ferocious and diseased legacy of Anglican missionaries who compulsively accompanied their secular imperialist brethren can be sourced to the deranged and diabolical Christian inspired crimes attributed to Kony.
Enduring spoils for the British: blood diamonds, arms trafficking and geo-politics
Joseph Kony - Christian fundamentalist & wanted by ICC for crimes against humanity was anglicized and thus created by British imperialists & missionaries
SUDAN 1898 - 1956
Estimated deaths: min 2 million (a very conservative estimate)
Enduring criminality: famine, internal conflict and standard butchery so typical of former British African colonies. Millions of Sudanese displaced in camps living harrowing existences. The devastating war between north and south Sudan again an inextricable consequence of British notorious manipulation and vandalism of indigenous tribes, ethnics, religions, resources and power. Millions of Africans have perished and been slaughtered in a 'post-imperialist' world where the British quitted their colonies heavily poisoned with ethnic and tribal division, rivalry, famine and desperation. Nicholas Dirks explains in Castes of Mind: Colonialism and the Making of Modern India how the British re-caste and re-tribalised their indigenous victims causing irreversible cultural chaos. In Saviors and Survivors: Darfur, Politics, and the War on Terror (2009), Mahmood Mamdani reveals how British imperialists "tribalised" Dafur which in turn became the future source for ferocious conflict.
Across Africa and the world the British perpetrated acts of cultural vandalism producing horrific and permanent consequences for the victim nations. In this regard the British remain unmatched in their sheer savagery and complicity in enduring genocides brought about by famine and conflict.
Enduring spoils for the British: arms sales and geo-political exploitation. Anglo-American corps competing with China for oil
the vulture of British imperialism that caused
this harrowing evil was not pictured
enduring legacy of British imperialism in Africa -
Across Africa and the Indigenous world, the British perpetrated devastating acts of
cultural vandalism producing eternal consequences for their victim nations.
SOMALIA 1941 -1960
Estimated deaths: min 2.5 million and counting.
Enduring criminality: Since the departure of imperialist Britain in the 1960s famine, war and displacement of millions of Somalis has and continues to wrack Somalia. The historic imperialist grab for Somalia is chaotic.The Italians and French each sought to own a piece of the Somalia pie, with the Italians maintaining a fascist hold until the mother of all predators Britain shooed them away. After Britian had its way with Somalia, it left her in a fractured, bloodied and utterly ruined state. Since 1995 an estmated 1 000 000 Somalis have died from conflict alone.
Enduring spoils for the British: geo-politics, arms trading, and conceited finger-pointing (as with all its ruined and raped African imperialist conquests, the supremely hyprocritical and cunning British continue to take great delight in pointing the finger at their crippled former colonies alluding to the [inferior] race of their victims as the cause of their current grief.) It is important to understand the significance of this racist anglo culture of finger-pointing at the 'darkies'. Essentially this finger-pointing serves (1) to deflect the culpability of British imperialism for the upheavals in former African colonies; (2) elevates the civilisation of the British above the 'inferior' victim nations through contrasting social, political and economic conditions and; (3) perpetuates the ludicrous myth that British subjugation of the 'darkies' was proper because "look at the savages now since Britian gave them independence".
Africa has been hemorrhaging ever since the British first plundered her
CANADIAN INDIGENOUS NATIONS 1629 (Scottish invasion) then 1763 to present
Estimated deaths: at least 1 million attributed largely to disease introduced by colonists and counting. Post-colonization until present innumerable number of Canadian Indigenous peoples atrophied through racism, oppression and standard British viciousness. As with Australian Aborigines the British spawn (affectionately called Settlers) in Canada, formerly known as British North America, applied numerous methods in wiping out the indigenous population including mass sterilisation, stealing indigenous children (forced assimilation) and intentionally infecting tribes with disease.
Enduring criminality: continued exploitation and devastation of Indigenous Canadians. Many Canadian tribes literally on their knees from the introduced ravages of drugs and alcohol. Continued British spawn occupancy of stolen lands.
Enduring spoils for the British: With the exception of the Francophile 'concession' of Quebec, the British remain firmly in possession of Canada, a Commonwealth or neo-imperialist nation.
Estimated deaths: min 20 000 slaughtered plus 60 000 poisoned / disease infected and counting. Genocide of Tasmanian tribes. An accurate murder estimate of Indigenous Australians by the British imperialists and later their 'settler' Anglo-Celtic spawn remains difficult to source. British invaders literally started hunting "Blacks" within days of the Botany Bay landing (1788), and up until 1970s continued through Anglo-Celtic descendants "abo-shoots' and "boong bashing" across Australia. Aborigines were regarded as little more than fauna and flora or native pests to be eradicated to make way for the "fine flower of civilization". Records therefore of massacres along with actual censuses of the Aboriginal population were near non-existent up until the middle of the 20th century.
Australia's Constitution is the only one in the world that allows for
racist discrimination against people - Indigenous Australians.
The prevailing Constitution of Australia, a vile document authored by British imperialists in 1901, is the only Constitutional document in the world that allows for racist discrimination against a group of people.
Britain's genocidal ambition in Australia
was to butcher the 'Natives' and chain the survivors into extinction. |
The unspeakable savagery the British and their Anglo-Celtic Australian spawn unleashed upon Aboriginal Australia included the 'sport' of burying Aboriginal babies and children up to their necks and then kicking the heads until decapitation. Up until 1970s (in the outback 1980s) Anglo Australian motorists could intentionally run down 'Blacks' drunk or sober with impunity.
A descendant of the vicious slaver John Forrest,
is now a mining billionaire (Andrew Twiggy Forrest).
This is an example of how the spawn of the vile British invaders
are today enriched by the genocidal crimes of the past.
Enduring criminality: Thousands of Aboriginal children (Stolen Generations) ripped from tribes and parents in a nazi type effort to breed out aboriginality. This genocidal campaign continued up to the 1970s, consequently many 1000s of Aboriginal Australian survivors are today still traumatized. A national apology was belatedly given in 2008 by the then Prime Minister Kevin Rudd. Even this token gesture outraged many Anglo-Celtic Australians including former Prime Minister John Winston Howard who refused to endorse the apology. This moral poltroon argued 'guilt is not hereditary'.
British-Australians 'categorized' Indigenous Australians as part of the Fauna and Flora Act, meaning British 'Settlers' could butcher Blacks with impunity as with the wildlife.
Aboriginal life expectancy is the world's worst. Aborigines are disproportionally imprisoned and hospitalized. As with American and Canadian Indigenous nations, Aboriginal communities are ravaged by drugs and alcohol including solvent abuse i.e. "petrol and glue sniffing". Suicide among the Aboriginal communities, particularly in remote areas is epidemic. The general diet of Aborigines has been spoilt by the British invasion with the consequence many Indigenous Australians suffer renal and diabetic conditions at epidemic proportions. The sum total of these British made and or introduced blights to the Aboriginal and Torre Straits nations amount to genocide and horrific subjugation for the survivors.
It took the British little under 200 years to bring a 50 000 year old
civilization to the brink of absolute genocide |
Aboriginal art, icons and culture has been hijacked by the Australian Government and tourist industry which promotes white Australia to an ignorant foreign world. Gooey eyed foreign tourists pour into Australia every day utterly oblivious to the "Great Australian Silence" or more accurately the Great Anglophile Silence. This is a standard ploy of British imperialism stripping their victim nations of everything of value, including the very culture, along with the right to protest their misery. On this last point, former Prime Minister John Howard is testament to this form of perfidy particular to the anglophile breed. Howard in his deranged adulation for his mother country, Britain, was adamant throughout the 10 years he ruled Australia, that 'white' Australia had nothing to apologize for. This 'belief' was based on the very warped cowardly logic the unconscionable cruelties meted out to Indigenous Australia were (1) perpetrated by an older generation of Anglo-Celtic Australians (or the much preferred misnomer 'Europeans') and thus modern white Australia is blameless, and (2) the cruelties such as the mass abduction and racist indoctrination of Indigenous children was done with good intentions i.e. to assimilate the "Black savages" into the fine flower of British culture. Obscene anglophile Howard to date refuses to endorse the apology - only an anglophile could behave in such a utterly contemptible manner and still retain 'credibility' among his peers.
Murdering and brutalising Aboriginal Australians was an integral characteristic
of being a 'dinki-di' anglophile Aussie. |
In addition to decapitating black babies by kicking, the British colonizers took delight in shooting pregnant Aboriginal women - here's a verbatim description by a much respected Aboriginal Elder on this unbelievable viciousness: "stories from aboriginal oral histories regarding pregnant mothers hiding in trees only to be found then shot. All that could be heard was the rustle of the leaves and branches as the aborted babies fell from their mothers" .
Every 26 January, Anglo-Australians shamelessly celebrate the 1788 invasion
and grand theft of Australia. Meanwhile victim Indigenous Australians are forced to witness this gross insult to injury every year. |
In 1956 the British in collusion with their Anglo-Celtic Australian spawn conducted nuclear weapons testing at Maralinga South Australia, poisoning the homeland and the people of the Maralinga Tjarutja tribe.
Most tourists to Australia have little or no understanding
of the genocidal British imperialistic history of Australia thus perpetuating
the grief of Indigenous Australians through their sheer ignorance
Anglophile racism against Indigenous Australians has been so relentless, shameless and ghastly that as late as 1984, Australia's richest anglophile Lang Hancock along with several of his politician pals went on TV to lobby for a genocidal program to sterilize the Aborigines - through "herding up the savages into the outback and poisoning their water supply". Instead of being condemned and imprisoned, Hancock was applauded by mainstream anglophile Australia. This was in 1984 and the actual interview can be viewed on YouTube!
Massacres of Aboriginal Tribes by British 'Settlers' was so commonplace,
an entire book was authored to detail the atrocities.
Most contemporary Anglophile spun literature / history on the British invasion and seizure of Australia is criminally distorted, revised, concealed, minimized and diffused. A subtle though powerful semantic deception Anglo-Celtic historians and hacks persistently and increasingly employ is to substitute the words Britain or British etc with Europe or European when describing the colonization and slaughter of Indigenous Australia. This word scam pervades most mainstream online articles, including Wikipedia pages. It is a potent psychological swindle because the replacement noun - Europe - hoodwinks the typical reader into believing Britain's culpability is shared with and subsumed into the generic Europe. This could not be further from the truth, especially so for Anglo Australia which constitutionally is still ruled by the British queen. As of 2010 the Prime Minister of Australia is the British immigrant Julia Gillard. Even Gillard's political opposite Tony Abbott is British born.
UPDATED: British born Tony Abbott is the PM of Australia and is particularly reviled by Indigenous Australians.
No doubt Abbott's biggest personal struggle will be the ongoing concealment of his
true racist persona from the public. Occasionally Abbott's mask slides
revealing the toxic anglophile
racism raging beneath a facade of anglophile civility.
The smiling anglophile sadist - the British were never happier
when they were maiming and murdering Indigenous peoples
The invasion and decimation of Aboriginal Australia was and is entirely a British affair, and in spite of the self-serving garbage penned by conniving morally coward Anglo-Celtic hacks, 'Europe' had nothing to do with this massive and ongoing imperial crime. Another favorite misnomer is the term 'settler' in place of the correct noun invader or to a lesser extent coloniser. Wikipedia pages on black and white Australia, largely authored by Anglo Australians, compulsively use the sly phrases settler and settlements, Europe and European. These sneak semantics serve to perpetuate the grief and oppression of Indigenous Australia because the deception diffuses and dilutes the reality of the enormous and enduring crime of genocide inflicted by Britain and her Anglo-Celtic Australian 'colonial' spawn.
The upshot of Britain's invasion of black Australia is within a space of 200 years the British and their Anglo-Celtic spawn 'settlers' managed to devastate a 50 000 year old Aboriginal culture. In 2009 the conditions for many Aboriginal groups was so dreadful, Aborigines petitioned the United Nations for Refugee Status in their own country!
When the British & spawn Anglo-Celtic 'settlers' weren't decapitating
Aborigines they were putting them in chains
Enduring spoils for the British: On invading Australia in 1788 the British seized the entire continent along with the Tasmanian island to eventually peddle the loathsome lie of Terra Nullius - Empty Land. Thousands of Anglo-Celtic spawn continue to enrich themselves by plundering the bounty of indigenous gas and rock wealth, including diamond and gold deposits, in the Outback. Millions of ignorant and idiotic 'foreign' tourists continue to pour into Australia supporting the rugged Aussie Outback folklore myth, blissfully unaware of the ceaseless genocide of the Aborigines.
Australia remains the first choice 'emigrant' destination for millions of British citizens, usually the worst of their society, including murderers and child molesters. A nauseating irony of the endless swamping of British immigration into Australia is the fact many of these immigrants bring with them their racist rhodesian beliefs to exacerbate the racist oppression of Indigenous Australia.
Australia remains the first choice 'emigrant' destination for millions of British citizens, usually the worst of their society, including murderers and child molesters. A nauseating irony of the endless swamping of British immigration into Australia is the fact many of these immigrants bring with them their racist rhodesian beliefs to exacerbate the racist oppression of Indigenous Australia.
Another increasingly large immigrant group is the 'white South Afrikaner'. This comes as little surprise as racist Australia must resemble the glory days of apartheid for the Afrikaner, hence their passion for migrating to Australia where they can return their boots onto the nape of the Kauffer - i.e. Black Man.
Anglo Australia's determination to forever suckle on the rotted teats of its 'mother' Britain is unsurprising, when we recall the historic parliament speech by Australia's first Prime Minister Edmund Barton in 1903. In his racist diatribe, this Anglophile, made it abundantly clear, where Australian allegiance would forever reside:
"Let us call ourselves Britons. In using the term Britons in Australia, I wish to it to be as clear as possible that, in my belief, we have not forfeited, by our emigration, or by that of our father, any rights of Britishers at home, or any of our share in either the glory or the material propserity of the Empire. We are Britons of the Empire. We did not sever ourselves from the rest of the Empire, when we came here, neither did the fathers of those of us, who like myself are natives of the soil, do so."
Truer words and sentiments were never articulated
in the Anglo-Australian parliament.
British managed to devastate a 50 000 year old culture
in less than 200 years
stolen aboriginal children offered for white adoption
stolen aboriginal children being inspected
like cattle by the british-australian establishment
The scrubs are gone, the hunting and the laughter.
The eagle is gone, the emu and the kangaroo are gone from this place.
The bora ring is gone.
The corroboree is gone.
And we are going.
Oodgeroo Noonuccal: Aboriginal Australian Poet
"Lets herd up all the aborigines and poison
their water supply with a sterilization chemical"
(Lang Hancock and various Australian politicians 1984)
Estimated deaths: 60 000 includes inter-tribal wars linked to British corruption of Maori culture & food economy - Potato Wars - and the introduction and supply of guns - The Musket Wars.
Enduring criminality: British introduced disease, feral animals, alcohol and drugs, and alien food products. British introduced guns which led to a massive increase in inter-tribal warfare and massacres. Consequently, at least half of the Maori population was at one time post colonization wiped from the face of earth. The only 'mitigating factor' of the Maori subjugation by British imperialists (in comparison to the standard perfidy meted out to other 'colonized' Indigenous groups) was the Treaty of Waitangi. A Treaty unsurprisingly abused and dishonored by consecutive British spawned New Zealand governments. The Treaty itself is regarded by some Maoris as a meaningless fraud perpetuated by the British invaders. New Zealand's anthem is the official "god save the queen" and as with its subjugated neighbor Australia remains a constitutional monarchy.
Enduring spoils for the British: the seizure of the two New Zealand islands North and South and its economic wealth, including agriculture, mining, fishing and forestry.
FIJI ISLANDS 1874 - 1970
Estimated deaths: min 50 000 (or a third of population) mainly attributed to introduction of disease -measles by the British and their Anglo-Celtic spawn in Sydney Australia. In 1875 a vessel carrying Fijian tribal royalty was infected with measles in a 'commissioned' visit to Sydney, an imperial colony of Britain. This blighted vessel was 'knowingly' sent back to Fiji without the Yellow Flag.
Unspecified deaths from 1876 Fijian rebellion against the British invaders. The rebellion and genocidal epidermic of measles are highly unlikely to be coincidence.
Enduring criminality: the permanent distortion of the indigenous population with the British 'importation' (blackbirding) of some 60 000 indentured laborers from India and South East Asia to slave on British plantations. This non-indigenous population now accounts for 38% of the Fijian population. Among other disruptions this British made alien demographic has caused, is the political upheavals beginning with Rabuka's 1987 coup against ethnic dominant Indian rule. Political upheavals continue to beleaguer Fiji and are mainly sourced to Australian, New Zealand (Anglo-Celtic spawn) and British meddling to manipulate ethnic Indian control of the islands. Logically ethnic Indian Fijians remain allied to their former master as both want the same thing - control of Fiji and her resources.
Enduring spoils for the British: Fiji remains part of the neo-imperialist group of Commonwealth countries. Fiji's membership to this vainglorious mutation of British imperialism perpetuates Britain's continued ability to exploit, infiltrate and damage the indigenous world under the guise of 'common wealth'. Cow dung is still dung by any other name. Fiji remains suspended from the Commonwealth - the average Fijian must be devastated, no more genuflecting before the crown.
British germ warfare...again!
Ethnic Indian Fijians have become willing pawns in an enduring plot by
British Anglo-Celtic spawn in Australia and New Zealand to recolonize Fiji.
Estimated deaths: min 100 million includes the Bengal famine which claimed a minimum of 5 million based on corrupt British sources only. Indian or non-Anglo sources, logically more reliably, record 14 million. The 100 million figure does not include (a) the bloody chaos caused by the 1947 Partition estimated to be 1 million (b) the ensuing violence and disaster that continues to beset both Pakistan and Bangladesh. Britain literally tore asunder the Indian sub-continent during its reign of imperial terror, enslaving and starving millions for its vampiric empire. The British made famines including the 2 that devastated Bengal, were to be called the "Late Victorian Holocaust".
The 100 million figure is regarded as an extreme under-estimation by some non-anglo sources.
Special Note: British imperialists cultivated the bulk of the opium in Bengal they pushed on to China in the 19th century. The opium ravaged Chinese civilization, causing enormous despair and death. This drug-pushing was Britain's way of smashing open the Chinese tea market.
Enduring criminality: In spite of the revisionism by that vile anglophile, Niall Ferguson, Indian chaos and appalling poverty is inextricably linked to the plunder and pillage by the British Raj. Britain imperialism savaged the food economy and geo-politics of the India sub-continent. Indigenous tribes and ancient caste systems were vandalized and re-engineered by British imperialists to leverage greater domination of the population. British meddling gave birth to the splinter 'nations' of Pakistan and Bangladesh, both regions wracked with perennial instability and desperation. Pakistan has become an eternal enemy of its 'birth mother' India. Motivated by a mutual "furnace of animosity" both nations have developed weapons of mass destruction.
An estimated 61 million Indians survive in urban slums, while in the rural areas, 300 million are mired in the tyranny of poverty. Noam Chomsky points out: "India is still devastated by the effects of British colonialism..."(How the World Works, 2011).
Enduring spoils for the British: Nineteenth and twentieth century British economy was hugely supported by the rapacious crimes of the British Raj. The profit Britain flogged from India was reinvested into other imperial and iniquitous ventures, including the numerous invasions into African nations.
India remains part of the neo-imperialist group of Commonwealth countries. India's membership to this vainglorious mutation of British imperialism perpetuates Britain's continued ability to exploit, infiltrate and damage the indigenous world under the guise of 'common wealth'. Cow dung is still dung by any other name.
The eternal dispute, tension and instability between the partitioned Pakistan and India, a geo-political-religious fissure created by British imperialism, provides Britain exploitative opportunities in the form of arm sales and general chicanery.
Bangladesh, (formerly Bengal) was ruthlessly plundered by the British who forced the local population to grow opium crops for British exports, while devastating the local food economy causing the so-called late Victorian Holocaust when 5 million Bengalese starved to death. Non-anglophile historians list the famine toll much higher into the 100s of millions. Unsurprisingly these ghastly crimes perpetrated by the British are completely ignored in all forms of mainstream media, including education curriculums.
Bangladesh, (formerly Bengal) was ruthlessly plundered by the British who forced the local population to grow opium crops for British exports, while devastating the local food economy causing the so-called late Victorian Holocaust when 5 million Bengalese starved to death. Non-anglophile historians list the famine toll much higher into the 100s of millions. Unsurprisingly these ghastly crimes perpetrated by the British are completely ignored in all forms of mainstream media, including education curriculums.
Bengalese being civilized by the British
"I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion" Churchill
The wonderful legacy of British imperialism
The vulture of British imperialism is not pictured
The British never really renounced slavery
SRI LANKA / CEYLON 1802 - 1948
Estimated deaths: unspecified min 500 000 including the entire Uva region male population above the age of 18 years in revenge for resistance against British imperialist occupation. The 1818 Uva-Wellassa Uprising also know as the Great Rebellion and the Madulla Massacre resulted in multiple atrocities against Sri Lankans by British imperialists, including razing and annihilation of villages. At one point during the resistance, British imperialist considered a plan to "exterminate" the entire Kandyan population. Instead the British made do with killing at least one male member from each Kandyan family.
The kill figure does include the Tamil Eelam independence struggle which saw at least 100 000 killed and 1000s more displaced. This internal rupture is a direct consequence of the geo-political vandalism perpetrated by British imperialism across India / Asia. Existing tribal and clan structures were smashed and corrupted by the British invaders with the principal agenda of creating discord and rivalry to weaken the indigenous groups while strengthening the imperialist stranglehold.
Enduring criminality: Poverty and social inequity continues to ravage Sri Lanka. The Tamil independence struggle saw many thousands killed and many more displaced and subject to repression.
Sri Lanka is a member State of the Commonwealth, an venal neo-imperialist entity serving to prolong the menace of British skulduggery and dominance on the international stage.
Enduring spoils for the British: Once the British evicted their imperialist Dutch predecessor, and in turn slaughtered the rebellious Kandyan people, they foisted coffee and tea crops on Sri Lankan land. These plantations proved successful, further enriching the imperialist British orgre. In order to enslave the population to toil on the plantations, British Ceylon anglicized a select group of Sri Lankans to oversee the plantations and the laborers.
The trigger was pulled by a Sri Lankan,
but the gun was loaded by British imperialism
The British never really renounced slavery
Typically the British recruited local 'chiefs'
to enslave the indigenous masses
Butchering life was second nature to the British
CHINESE OPIUM WARS 1839 - 1842 (First Opium War), 1856 - 1860 (Second Opium War).
Estimated deaths: 10 million Chinese became addicted to the 100 000s of tonnes of opium trafficked by Britain into a fractured and defenseless China. Millions of casualties are attributed to Chinese resistance and addiction to the opium scourge imposed by the British. The Taiping Rebellion which followed the"humiliating Treaty of Nanking" saw an estimated 30 million Chinese die. This internal rupture was caused by an anglicized messianic-complex Hong Xiuquan and according to various sources the Taiping Rebellion is causally linked to the fallout from the toxic opium trade inflicted by the British.
Total deaths 30 million.
Much of the opium pushed onto China, typically traded for tea in place of silver, was sourced from the British Raj, where the British had enslaved the local population in poppy, tea and coffee plantations. Britain literally made a killing by hooking the Chinese on opium and quickly expanded its drug trafficking throughout China. Conscious of the terrible social damage opium was causing her people, China attempted to stop the British dope trade, by seizing and destroying a shipment leading to the so-called Opium Wars. With the aid of European collaborators, in particular the French, a traditional partner in crime, the Chinese were defeated in both 'wars' and forced to sign the Treaty of Nanking which essentially gave the British open slather to further poison the Chinese with narcotics. British reprisals against Chinese resistance to their cancerous dope trade were horrific as the Morning Herald explained "a more horrible or revolting crime than this bombardment of Canton has never been committed in the worst ages of barbaric darkness."
In effect Britain was the worlds largest drug trafficker, literally hooking an entire nation on drugs, lauding the crime as a glorious act of "free trade", as Noam Chomsky explains: "...when the British government compelled China to open its doors to opium from British India, sanctimoniously pleading the virtues of free-trade as they forcibly imposed large scale drug addiction on China" (How the World Works, 2011).
In effect Britain was the worlds largest drug trafficker, literally hooking an entire nation on drugs, lauding the crime as a glorious act of "free trade", as Noam Chomsky explains: "...when the British government compelled China to open its doors to opium from British India, sanctimoniously pleading the virtues of free-trade as they forcibly imposed large scale drug addiction on China" (How the World Works, 2011).
Enduring criminality: Chinese addiction, an estimated 70 million "junkies", persisted long after the British and their predator European collaborators were given chase in the Boxer Rebellion. The sum total of Britain's toxic pillaging of China left her severely weak and thus vulnerable by the time she declared herself a Republic in 1912. This made a fragile China easy pickings for imperial Japan, which engaged in an orgy of monstrous gory violence in the Rape of Nanking.
Enduring spoils for the British: along with the commodity of tea grown by slaves or indentured laborers, the opium drug trade largely funded British imperialism, financing many invasions into indigenous nations across the globe. Profits from the drug trade allowed Britain to expand and improve its naval fleet ensuring Britain maintained its so-called supreme advantage on the high seas.
British dope trade devastated China
PARTITION OF PALESTINE & CREATION OF ISRAEL 1916 (Sykes-Picot Agreement), 1917 (Balfour Declaration) 1922 (League of Nations Edict) 1947 (UN Partition) then Israeli Occupation to the Present
Background: the historic background of British meddling in the Middle-East and Palestine is complex. The definitive starting point of the British occupation is best signified by the 1916 Sykes-Picot Agreement when the British and French carved up the Middle-East for their respective imperialist gains to counter the Ottomans. British 'rule' over Palestine was latter formalized in 1922 by the League of Nations as the British Mandate for Palestine. Meanwhile Zionist 'leaders' in London, personified by Rothschild lobbied the British imperial government to support in principle a Jewish State in Palestine. Benjamin Freedman, an ex-Zionist based in the United States explained how the British traded Palestine with Zionists in return for the Zionists manipulating America into entering WW1 and deploying against Germany. As with any person who dares criticizes and or exposes the skulduggery of Zionism, the Jewish Freedman was ironically labeled an anti-semite and is mostly ignored by establishment academia and historians.
Protected by British imperial forces European Jews poured into Palestine to essentially occupy the land by proxy until the United Nations issued its now infamous Partition declaration in 1947. By 1947 again with the aid of British imperial forces, the Zionist population in Palestine steadily increased. This Anglo-Zionist meddling in the Middle-East has given birth to relentless conflict, grief and death. The original British imperialist genesis for the ongoing chaos and butchery in the Middle-East is overlooked by most contemporary observers, including 'academics'. Such wanton neglect of history serves only to conceal another enormous crime perpetrated by Britain, the consequences of which are felt everywhere, most gruesomely in the 9-11 attacks in New York City when alleged Islamic terrorists sympathetic to the Palestine cause hijacked 4 commercial jetliners.
Estimated deaths: Since 1967 - 500 000 Palestinians excludes the Jaffa uprising and British counter-attack
Enduring criminality: millions of Palestinians are today refugees or living in constant fear in being bombed by Israeli warplanes, and abducted by IDF.
Enduring spoils for the British: weapons sales to Israel and Arab nations eternally embroiled in the Palestinian conflict. The regional destabilization effects of the Palestinian occupation immensely benefits Britain, which profits from the chaos and desperation violence produces. Divide, conquer and exploit has long been Britain's trademark vice that has hemorrhaged so many Indigenous Nations.
Palestinian child victim of Israeli air attacks
BURMA (MYANMAR) 1824 -1948 (subsumed into British India until 1935)
Estimated deaths:
Enduring criminality:
Enduring spoils for the British:
IRELAND 1845 - 1852 (famine) 1880s to present (independence)
Estimated deaths: 1 million (Potato Famine) plus 1000s (independence struggle).
Enduring criminality: In the 19th century Irish Catholics were regarded as little more than landless sheep by their English 'lords', consequently a million died from starvation and disease, a period identified as the Great Irish Famine.
Enduring spoils for the British: continued possession of Ireland and all the strategic and economic spoils that go with the possession.
INDONESIA 1811 - 1816 AND 1945 -1946 (including Anglo-Australian Regiments).
Estimated deaths
Enduring criminality
Enduring spoils for the British
MALAYSIA 1819 - 1963
Estimated deaths:
Enduring criminality:
Enduring spoils for the British:

Estimated deaths:
Enduring criminality:
Enduring spoils for the British:
Estimated deaths:
Enduring criminality:
Enduring spoils for the British:
CHILE 1973 - 1990
Estimated deaths
Enduring criminality
Enduring spoils for the British
Estimated deaths:
Enduring criminality:
Enduring spoils for the British:
Estimated deaths:
Enduring criminality: Iranian parliamentary Speaker Ali Larijani explains: "decades of domineering moves by the British in Iran"
Enduring spoils for the British:
the British have been subverting Iran for decades
Estimated deaths:
Enduring criminality:
Estimated deaths:
Enduring criminality:
Enduring spoils for the British:
Estimated deaths
Enduring criminality
Enduring spoils for the British
Estimated deaths
Enduring criminality
Enduring spoils for the British
Estimated deaths
Enduring criminality
Enduring spoils for the British
Lord Palmerston declared that "no ideas of fairness [toward Egypt] ought to stand in the way of such great and paramount interests" of Britain as preserving its economic and political hegemony, expressing his "hate" for the "ignorant barbaria
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If you wish to contribute to this Blog, by completing the list of Victim Nations, please let me know in the comment section. You can also paste your contribution in the comment section and I will then cut and paste it to the Blog under its relevant section. For example: under Egypt, you can provide a summary of Britain's historic chicanery against Egypt in the comment section, which I will review, and if acceptable, insert it under the Egypt section.
Remember: this Blog has been viewed over 150 000 times. Thus a good opportunity is available for you to contribute to a critical program of informing people to the true venal and perfidious nature of Britain. Perception is everything!
I like the idea behind this site but I think it would be better if you broke each country up into their own post. You can then link to it on the side or along the top (look at mine to see what I mean).
ReplyDeleteAlso Britain is the name of an island that comprises three countries. Wales, Scotland and England. Whilst it is true that there were plenty of people from Wales and Scotland that have done atrocious things it should be noted that they did these for the British Empire. Wales and Scotland are still colonies of England as are the occupied six counties in Ireland that the British refer to as Northern Ireland.
I look forward to sharing your posts, but in order to make them easier to read and navigate please break them down into smaller posts. :)
Here's a good link for you.
Thank you for your feedback, sorry about the late reply.
Deletedon't forget the majority of the people in the Six Counties of Norther Ireland want to remain British...
DeleteWales and Scotland are also very happy to a part of the United Kingdom, as Scotland recently showed in a referendum
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteWow! Your work is well researched and essential for any Brit like me who had a classic British education being taught how much good Britain did the world by sharing it's well developed civility, bureaucracy, politics and lifestyle. How so deceptive.
ReplyDeleteSo well done creating this. I see you have some countries to finish - hope you aren't too depressed researching this stuff and putting it all together.
Well done!
Thanks for your feed back. Your moral courage is refreshing.
Deletehe's a holocust denier who includes IRA PROPAGANDA
DeleteThe island of Britain comprises FOUR countries, not three.
ReplyDeleteBy ignoring Cornwall you are helping the Westminster regime to carry on with their air-brushing of the only country on the island which never had an act of union with England.
Adding the Cornish people to the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities is a big step forward, but they only did it because the Conlib coalition is desperate that it will lose out at election time in Cornwall.
I'm not fully versed on the various tribes intra-Britain - I do know the English tribe is the least liked of them all.
Deletethere are only about 20 people who care about Cornish Nationality...
DeleteCornwall was NEVER a country... just a place...
DeleteDo you think you could write the full story of how they did it to their own people as well? I really hate one sided stories
ReplyDeleteNeed more information: "write the full story of how they did it to their own people as well".
DeleteWhat do you mean - African, North American and Australian tribes invaded and slaughtered themselves, while enslaving the survivors?
English tribes slaughtering each other and their own invaders for a thousand years or more beforehand I should think ?
DeleteThank you for your feedback, sorry about the late reply.
DeletePerhaps that's a project for you, as I have no interest in reviewing inter-tribal conflict in Britannia. I do know however the Romans, under Julius Caesar, invaded Britannia twice, gifting the barbarians roads, baths and plumbing.
nomen de guerre (lower case) - you wouldn't have a country without us British and our history of trade, exploration, and building worldwide...
DeleteShow a little respect to your head of state, Queen Elizabeth II
WOW! So glad I came across your site. It's amazing how brutal our species can be. Love the pictures of the young Zionists preparing for the future. Shame one us for allowing that particular atrocity.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your feedback, sorry about the late reply.
DeleteYour a very hateful person. You need to chill out brother, hang out with some friends. Do something fun. Relax.
ReplyDeleteI'm English, you saying I'm accountable for all of your collated biased nonsense?
Say something nice, be a better person.
You are as guilty if you don't believe the British did this and continue to do so. Don't just dismiss what this guy has studied and shown, If you disagree go study prove him wrong... IGNORANCE IS NOT AN EXCUSE
DeleteFor Lee Hinds.
Deletewhat I believe that Thomas Davies was trying to say is that it is very narrowly focused, basically it comes across as a Pom bash. Many of these incidents included people from other nations, what the problem is is greed, everybody is greedy at some level.
Of course you're english and thats why your remarks are meaningless
Deletenomen de guerre, this whole blog is meaningless... why don't you go outside, get some fresh air, try to make some friends, maybe get a girl (or boy, whatever floats your boat) ... I guess I am trying to say, you should leave your parents basement...
DeleteFantastic article !!
ReplyDeleteWould also suggest you to do an article on intra UK atrocities on the indigenous natives of the British Isles
Keep up the great work :)
Thank you for your feedback, sorry about the late reply.
DeleteFantastic article !!
ReplyDeleteWould also suggest you to do an article on intra UK atrocities on the indigenous natives of the British Isles
Keep up the great work :)
Thank you for your feedback, sorry about the late reply.
Deletethere are no indigenous natives of the British Isles, we all came from everywhere...
DeleteThis more accurately represents who you hate:
ReplyDeleteZionists, Freemasons, Knights of Malta (black and white, and skull and bones), and yes, based in Britain using ignorant folk for their wars around the world, where many many died from diseases. To blame the British people collectively is simply wrong and I entirely reject your reasoning here.
In fact, the British Establishment hate their own British people too, which is why 70% of children born in London are not British or European.
This is not an attack on the English or British people. It correctly details the perfidy if the British Empire inheritors of the Roman Empire.The British System is one that is predicated on an anti Promethean concept of mankind. In respect to political economy, this system prescribes its 'freedom' from any regulation of science or natural law. Adam Smith, Emanuel Kant, Thomas Hobbes, Malthus, Jeremy Be than,John Locke, and the most evil man of the 20th century, Lord Bertrand Russell. I rest my case.
DeleteThis is not an attack on the English or British people. It correctly details the perfidy if the British Empire inheritors of the Roman Empire.The British System is one that is predicated on an anti Promethean concept of mankind. In respect to political economy, this system prescribes its 'freedom' from any regulation of science or natural law. Adam Smith, Emanuel Kant, Thomas Hobbes, Malthus, Jeremy Be than,John Locke, and the most evil man of the 20th century, Lord Bertrand Russell. I rest my case.
DeleteMy blog is more about the British Empire than the average Brit. However those British who seek to conceal and diffuse their evil history are just as guilty as their slaver ancestors.
Delete@nomen de Guerre: what about your slaver ancestors then?
Deletenomen de guerre: The British Empire created the country that gave you an education, which you so misues online..
DeleteYou should respect your parents, and all your ancestors, back to the British Empire...
Show respect to your Head of State, Queen Elizabeth II
The greater part of these atrocities were conceived on the famous Playing Fields of Eton. I have no doubt that my ancestors may have played a part but they sure as hell didn't profit from it
DeleteIt is time to look at causality and make change to the oppressive systems that have emerged from this mentality. Those born from and evolved from the Soul Group Lucifer need to wake up. The game is up. The cycle of forgetfulness caused by birth and death is over. Time to implement restorative justice by making changes to the judicial system. Their indoctrination into false teachings have culminated into the insane system of SRA. These people are arrogant and lack true intelligence. Time to wake up the world to the truth. Religion like war is a racket and is perpetrated on purpose by these low consciousness, lower brain functioning humanoids that have devolved to the 6th dimension. They are blind to the fact they are devolving and not evolving to the truth.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your feedback, sorry about the late reply.
DeleteI believe 30% of the land mass in the british isles is still owned by families that can trace their lineage back to the successful Normandy invasion of 1066. With the influence this group has had on british and after reading this the world, you have to wonder how much a better place the world would be if the battle of Hastings had gone the other way.
ReplyDeleteYes, and also imagine if Caesar had annihilated the "the blue painted people" when he invaded Britain on 2 occasions. If only Caesar had known what those savages were to do the world 1500 hundred years on.
Delete"Those savages" as you described them, were supplanted in England by the Anglo Saxons between the 4th and 6th centuries...their descendants live in the country of WALES
DeleteShows how ignorant you are...
So, to clarify, are you whining about the Anglo-Saxons, or the Normans, or the Danish
you left out so much about the truth it was all about divide and inslave that's what happened to the british and it carried on the African slaves where sold buy arabs and other black Africans for a starter , there is so much hate with so few honest information , cherry picked for your agenda, piss poor lacks depth
ReplyDeleteWhy do people seek to justify the unjustifiable? Dont get mad at the truth. Prove it wrong or create a site with the variables you say are skipped.
DeleteTypical British revisionism and diffusion - the Arabs were also slavers yadah yadah yadah. Take ownership of your crimes, stand up and be a man, and stop hiding behind the skirts of other nations.
Deleteare you really suggesting that the British INVENTED Slavery in Africa - you are so FULL OF SHIT
DeleteNo my slimy pale assed snotty nosed Brit, the only things full of shit here, are you and your NATION.
Deletewhat a slimy little liar you are... slavery existed for thousands of years...
DeleteJust keep on denying the holocaust, do you have a swastika or 88 (for Heil Hitler) tattoo ?
Just keep on denying what the Spanish did in South America, what the Italians, French, Belgians, Dutch did in Africa...
I dont any rational person looks at todays "Caucasian" as the criminal in these atttrocities. However, there several problems with "todays" Caucasian that leads many to liken them to their ancestors. For example, the illogical attempts to deflect from the heinous acts of their group, by bringing up the issues of others. The constant attempts to erase links between the carnage of the past, with current problems in the world "today". The attempts to justify the past crimes as "excusable" actions of said period. The attempts to deny a linkage of the Caucasians current econonmic and financila status, and the past acts that made their current position possible. The attempts to depict the "majority" a.k.a people of color, as somehow inferior or incapable of the advancements made in science, arts, and technology by Caucasians. While failing to admit most nations of color were too busy fighting off the invasions and greed of the Caucasians to have time, resources or luxury to advance in any of the aforementioned. When left to their own devices, people of color have shown their abilities throughout history...prior to the Caucasians.
ReplyDeleteI dont any rational person looks at todays "Caucasian" as the criminal in these atttrocities. However, there several problems with "todays" Caucasian that leads many to liken them to their ancestors. For example, the illogical attempts to deflect from the heinous acts of their group, by bringing up the issues of others. The constant attempts to erase links between the carnage of the past, with current problems in the world "today". The attempts to justify the past crimes as "excusable" actions of said period. The attempts to deny a linkage of the Caucasians current econonmic and financila status, and the past acts that made their current position possible. The attempts to depict the "majority" a.k.a people of color, as somehow inferior or incapable of the advancements made in science, arts, and technology by Caucasians. While failing to admit most nations of color were too busy fighting off the invasions and greed of the Caucasians to have time, resources or luxury to advance in any of the aforementioned. When left to their own devices, people of color have shown their abilities throughout history...prior to the Caucasians.
ReplyDeleteWhat exactly is your point? Are you disputing the facts of this Blog?
DeleteThe British are treacherous scum
ReplyDeleteYes they are! Thank you for your feedback, sorry about the late reply.
Deleteyou are ignorant, treachorous scum... shame you have no education on knowledge about the World...rathr like the writer of this post...
DeleteThank you for making this site.
ReplyDeleteYoure most welcome. Thank you for your feedback, sorry about the late reply.
DeleteI only got so far before I realised that people really need to just get over it in so many ways (some major exceptions).
ReplyDeleteI am a Caucasian Australian male, I have friends and relatives from all over the world, and from nearly all major religions.
Whilst I understand that some people in history, both in ancient and modern histories, some have been dealt a crappy hand.
The one and only question is; when are you going to let go of something that happened possibly hundreds of years ago and has nothing to do with you, your community, tribe, clan, and stop hiding behind excuses, blaming other people/groups, and get on with improving your life.
I work closely with some Australian Aboriginal Communities, I see daily the difference of mindset, individuals, groups, elders, hang-ons, and wannabes.
There are a lot of drug and alcohol problems, a lot of it is our welfare system, the general consensus is; why leave extremely cheap housing ($40/week, local average is $460) with ocean/lake views where your lawn is mowed, your rubbish tidied and removed, free healthcare (dental, optical, etc), and receive $20/week above minimum wage.
Just a quick note; when America declared independence you can't blame the POM's anymore, there were people from all over the world involved in EVERY country that has been raped and pillaged, the Poms's and Yank's can only be blamed for so much.
Sadly not all the things happened 100s of years ago and many country is still suffering from those Example my Grandfather (with great health issue) and parents grew up in the street after robbed of their ancestral wealth before independence.
Deletethe Racism like White supremacy still exists after 100s of years yet White people get hurt when somebody mention "white privilege" which was actually made by them.
It's not about blaming others it's about White accepting that they did wrong and teach their kids about this history , not trying to make it forget from the world history.
fact is if you don't know where you came from how are you going to appreciate where you are going?
People holding onto the Holocaust of Jews by nazi Germany then why British are trying so hard to make it go away?
let it be a history event and teach everybody of that, that's all.
LOL its always the NON-VICTIMS and THOSE who benefited from British / Australian imperialist crimes, shouting GET OVER IT!
DeleteGee I wonder why...
Because they aren't sad cunts like you.
DeleteEvil, corrupted and largely unknown
ReplyDeleteYes. So far this blog has scored over 130 000 hits. A good start to waking up people.
DeleteThank you for your feedback, sorry about the late reply.
If imperialism wasn't still happening maybe we could leave it in the past. However, UK invading Iraq killing millions of innocent people including 200,000 children and babies; for oil and regime change is still affecting Iraqis. Libya has been bombed, raped, devastated; its people thrown asunder. It's children dead from head wounds and cut to pieces from bombs. And. Now we have Syria being bothered by USA and UK imperialists, people men women children babies dead. USA wanting regime change and using lies to try to teach that end. Syria, with its democratic elected president. No, we should never forget or forgive those who seek to put themselves above others, to use lies and false slander against their fellow men, in order to invade and steal, kill and torture.
ReplyDeleteYemen another devastated country is being pummelled by Saudi Arabia with weapons supplied by the United Kingdon. And now starvation and cholera is abundant. I'm not forgetting what imperialism has done and continues to do today and neither should anyone. We need to speak out, speak up for those suffering under this tyranny and evilness of empires who are not empires anymore, but who cannot lie down and die.
You cannot let the murderer go unpunished. Whether you like it or not, Law of karma works.
DeleteThank you for your feedback, sorry about the late reply.
DeleteAnd youre 100 per cent Britain wrecked Libya, and murdered a legitimate national leader. The massive refugee crisis arising from the destruction of Libya, the "cork in the champagne bottle of Africa" (Assange) was produced by rapacious Britain. And now the Brits whine about the influx of refugees caused by their own kind. Hilarious.
so no ISIS - that never happened in Iraq and Syria?
DeleteOnly Britain?
This is terrible. British will pay back with law of karma. Monarchy don't have money to repair their palaces, and take taxpayers money to repair. Time has come to abolish it.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your feedback, sorry about the late reply.
DeleteSadly the British will not be punished, and will continue in our lifetimes to ruin and exploit the indigenous world.
exactly, and proud of it, just like Australians
DeleteIt is a difficult case to talk about and even harder to listen to.... But it is the truth, prevention and reconciliation...and honoring the dead...which brings deep healing. #humanity #storiesmatter
ReplyDeleteThank you for your feedback, sorry about the late reply.
Deletewhat a pile of shite, you could literally make a website devoted to nearly every other country in the world along similar lines.
ReplyDeleteI might start one on Italy, what lovely fellas the Romans were, how about Germany? Or one devoted to Irish republicans killing innocent children? Where to fucking start eh? Go see a doctor and get that large chip removed from your shoulder, there's a good boy.
Your comment is a "pile of shit" : Comparing Britain with Rome is akin to comparing a bottle of champagne with a beaker of horse piss.
DeleteRome civilized the European barbarians who kept attacking Rome and her allies. Rome gave you monkeys baths and plumbing. Rome, unlike Britain, did not steal entire Nations under the philosophy, Black and Brown people are inferior beasts and need to be eliminated to make way for the "fine flower of British civilization" (Rhodes)..
Most critical of all, Rome gave Europe, Egypt and North Africa times of peace and prosperity. Britain gave NOTHING and took EVERYTHING.
yes as far as you're concerned the Nazi holocaust never happened did it?
DeleteAnd the Japanese Holocaust in China/Manchuria never happened
And the Spanish holocaust in Central / South America never happened?
And the Dutch holocaust in Indonesia during the Spice Wars never happened?
And the Belgian holocaust in The Congo never happened?
And the French in Canada?
And the UNITED STATES in North America after the Civil War?
anyone would think you were angry about not getting into the UK/EU?
Youre comparing shoplifters (other European colonialists) to a mass murderer (Britain)
Deleteso you do know NOTHING of the history of colonialism in Africa then...
Deleteand you are completely denying the Holocaust during WWII, and the holocaust perpetrated by the Japanese in Manchuko
just like we thought...
no intellectual honesty or integrity
Pick one enemy, and blame them for everything, deny everything else
Bill - truth is hurting you. Typically british excuse for a human being. They hate the truth and always blaming others. Truth is: UK is the master of evil - also today.
ReplyDeleteI feel that's a bit harsh. I think ISIS, Russia and North Korea are a bit worse, right?
DeleteNo I think nobody was worse. This website is accurate.
DeleteNo I think nobody was worse. This website is accurate.
DeleteReally Alice, so the British were worse than the Nazi holocaust?
DeleteThe Brits were worse than the holocaust perpotrated by the Japanese Empire in Manchuria/China during the period 1933 - 1945?
The Brits were worse than the Belgians under King Leopold II cutting off peoples arms in the Congo?
you're so full of shit Alice...
You obviously overlooked Britain's rap sheet, posted in the Blog.
DeleteMaking comparisons with other predatory Nations during the era of colonialism is a typical British stunt to deflect readers away from Britain's unparalleled and unmatched crimes against humanity. This gimmick doesnt work anymore.
As a Brit, I'm still ashamed. Though the random (and clear) hatred of Britain in these captions is a little uncalled for, a lot of this is sadly true. As they say, truth hurts (though there could be a more neutral way to write this blog, given how it can be applied to just about any country ever).
ReplyDelete"Applied to any country" Really? Do please provide examples.
DeleteThe Netherlands in Indonesia
DeleteBelgian in The Congo
Portugal in Ceylon / Sri Lanka
Spain in Central / South America
France in Canada
The United States in North America
The United States in Japan
You forgot bombing of Dresden and other German cities leading to starvation of the concentration camp inmates due to lack of supplies then torture of
ReplyDeleteNazi generals and looting of Germany after WII. I'm British. Thanks for making this website.
Yes you're absolutely correct. Interestingly, even though the British wrecked Germany at the end of WW2, today Germany has left Britain behind by miles in the economy, arts, technology and general quality of living.
DeleteBritians continued prosperity remains entirely reliant on the spoils they raped from many many indigenous nations, in addition to their wicked trade in weapons, second only to their racial progeny, USA.
Thank you for your feedback, sorry about the late reply.
yes, the Nazis were the victims, evil Britain destroyed the Nazi culture...
DeleteAre you a NAZI by any chance
oh poor NAZI generals who were involved in the GENOCIDE of MILLIONS of Jewish and eastern European/Russians
Deleteyes, they had it coming (the Nazis)
Deletejust keep on denying the Holocaust, ignore what the Belgians did in the Congo, ignore what the Japanese did in Manchuria (Manchuko) and China, ignore what Spain did in Central & South America, ignore what the Dutch did in Indonesia... ignore IRA Murderers killing hundreds of innocent civilians...
DeleteI get the impression you are an unhappy, mean, hateful person...
Maybe you should try and meet people, make some friends, get out more, perhaps get a girlfriend of boyfriend...
You may be British Alice, buy you are ignorant of history...
DeleteNothing sadder than a self hater Alice. I bet you're a master (Mistress) of SJW-ing and Virtue signalling too eh?
DeleteStarvation of concentration camp victims ffs, yeah, that was the real crime there wasn't it? LOL
Well actually no, it wasn't as well you know. If we just put the matter of Nazi genocide aside for one minute.... Many concentration camp survivors did die at the hands of the allies, but that was down to ignorance, they were plied with food without anyone knowing then the consequence of feeding previously starved people rich food such as dairy products. They were effectively killed with kindness until Doctors worked out what was going on. From that point on they were fed moderate amounts of food that their bodies could tolerate.
Thank you for your feedback, sorry about the late reply.
ReplyDeleteThey deserved it. Fuck them and fuck you sad fucker wasting time on shit like this.
ReplyDeleteGet a life you sad cunt
This is my life you grand POS - revealing to the world, how utterly verminous and treacherous Britain has been and still is. Things like you, are of course, testament to these facts.
DeleteAnd what a sad pathetic life it is, you loser cunt.
DeleteKiss my arse
Well it obviously triggered you, you pathetic cretin. Hows those pale knees of yours, they must be sore from all that genuflecting and groveling before YOUR parasite mongrel breed queen lol.
DeleteStay on your belly you sycophantic worm.
DeleteYou spend you sad pathetic life boring people to death. You boring cunt, kiss the British Union Jack on the Aussie flag, we reign supreme, you sad cunt.
Pale knees, lol, is that the best you can do, you loser cunt.
hey nomen de cunt (oops), you should show respect to your head of state, Queen Elizabeth II
Deletewithout Britain, Australia would not exist, and neither would you
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYou probably spent months compiling this heap of shit, you sad cunt.
ReplyDeleteEvery time you meet someone from UK you must get a feeling of inadequacy, which is the only true emotion you will have had in your pathetic, loser life.
The next time you meet a Brit please lick their boots. It's all you're fit for.
Im going to allow your toddler remarks, so the 1000s of blog visitors can taste a sample of the true British intellect - cowardly and demented.
DeleteYou sad excuse for a human, sick and degenerate.
DeleteA pathetic loser, kiss my arse and lick my boots you sad Aussie cunt.
What a sad excuse for a life. The world will be a sweeter place when you die.
Folks this here (ludvictor) is your typical British vulgar slug - hurls abuse because it is incapable of intellectual discourse.
DeleteThis is what humanity has had to tolerate since Caesar civilized the "blue painted" beasts 2000 years ago. Curse you Caesar!
Anti-intellectuals like nomem de Cunt are the curse of the internet with their inability to research and do basic fact finding. Even for the low levels of intellectual discourse on the internet nomem de Cunt is a bottom feeding scum sucker.
DeleteAn Aussie drongo with delusions of grandeur, unfit to kiss the arse of any Brit.
Fuck you dickhead, lick my boots and beg for forgiveness you thick cunt.
That anyone could waste their life compiling this badly researched drivel, a collection of internet conspiracy theories written by half-witted, mentally deranged imbeciles and believed by a gullible sad loser cunt of an Aussie moron.
ReplyDeleteThe world is full of cunts and morons typified by nomen de Guerre.
Kiss my ass and lick my boots you cunt.
I hate to tell you this, (well not really), the only one taking you seriously, is your own cretin self. LOL
DeleteI really think it's a shame you have no intellectual honesty or integrity...
DeleteJust keep on denying the Nazi holocaust
Just keep on denying what Spain did in Central/South America
Just keep on denying what The french, Belgians, Italians did in Africa
Just keep on denying what the Dutch did in Indonesia
shame you have no genuine education...
I think you must be a very angry person did you by any chance get refused permission to live/study on the UK?
Must be your Nazi denyer view
I don't care if they take me seriously or not, you're still a thick anti-intellectual cunt.
ReplyDeleteFuck you
Anyone looking for a grain of truth, a sliver of intelligence, a shard of honesty in this cesspit of a site will only find 100% pure unadulterated shit from a dim-witted, thick as pigshit, drongo cunt.
ReplyDeleteBear in mind LudVictor, nomen de guerre is upset that he couldn't get a VISA to live and work in the he's concoted all this shit denying the NAZI Holocaust, and everything else that was ever done...
ReplyDeleteI get the impression he is lonely and angry...
He should try to get a girlfriend (or boyfriend perhaps, whatever works)
A sad lonely loser with a stunted intellect and a vague grasp of history.
DeleteHe's lucky he doesn't have to pass a test to use the internet or even a keyboard.
A sad lonely loser with a stunted intellect and a vague grasp of history.
DeleteHe's lucky he doesn't have to pass a test to use the internet or even a keyboard.
I think he needs to leave his parents basement, get some fresh air, perhaps a hobby, meet other people...
DeleteAND show some respect to his head of state, Queen Elizabeth II :)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis heap of shit still attracting flies?
ReplyDeleteEven by Australia's low standards of intellect, nomem de cunt manages to define new depths.
Pig-shit thick, drongo cunt.
DeleteI hope you realize that China could literally carpet nuke you and exterminate all of you in a day.
@gvwetnbwret, exactly who are you talking to here? And what are you talking about?
DeleteNot to mention that China doesn't have that many nuclear warheads... only 55-60 ICBM's in their arsenal, limited by their supplies of plutonium
And the United States (have you heard of them) has more nukes, and more advanced weapons, and the UK and France also have nuclear deterrents
have a nice day
@gvwetnbwret rtynmrtumn I think you are exaggerating. One day is way too long. One hour sounds a lot more realistic. Lol the other scumbag says 55-60 ICBM's. Where does he think he lives in... the 80s or something.
Delete@Doofus, relax... maybe you could start your own blog whining about the past and setting the world to rights, you could call it maybe ?
DeleteHappy to help...
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ReplyDeleteNomem de Cunt has no sense of shame or intellect.
ReplyDeleteA sad drongo cunt of a loser. Fuck off back to your kennel you rabid mongrel cunt.
Phillip UK and LudiVictor are two of the reasons the UK is despised around the world,along with everything else. Imperialist shitebags from a bygone age.
ReplyDeleteFuck you, you degenerate, dim-witted cunt.
DeleteUnknown, exactly how is the UK despised - for making most of the great discoveries of the last 500 years, one of which is the World-Wide-Web (Tim Berners-Lee) which you are using to write crap online...
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYou senile cunt, you are too mentally fucked up to do or say anything of any of any interest. You and your sick filthy tribe are unfit to inhabit this planet.
DeleteThis is the kind of hatred and degeneracy that nomem de cunt is trying to stir up against the country that civilised the world.
nomem de cunt is a very sick, mentally disturbed, cretinous aussie cunt.
scary some little boy with no education writing on the internet
DeleteHyungnam Gu: well, come on then...we are waiting for you to join up with AlQuaeda and ISIS ... :) LOL
ReplyDeleteYou mean those terrorist organisations that are funded and armed by the british state? The ones backed by british fighter jets in Syria? You are completely exposed scumbag.
DeleteHey Doofus,
DeleteI was referring to ISIS and AL Quaeda - which if you read what I wrote you would know...
so no, I don't mean those terrorist organisations funded by the British State, I meant AL Quaeda and ISIS...
Please make an effort to read...
We (The British) gave education to most of the world, so you could benefit from it...
British subhuman beings are not repentant for their crimes.
DeleteThey don't deserve to live.
@Hyungnam: I guess you'd be happy to start off that genocide of 60 MILLION people Hyungnam?
Deletegon then, don't just talk about it on the web anonymously, you have to get some gas chambers and crematoriums set up (maybe special ones for newborn babies?), not to mention an army that can take on the UK Military, as well as all of NATO...
what are you waiting for Hyungnam?
This comment has been removed by the author.
Deletescary little boy yapping on the internet...
DeleteGood Stuff nomem de Guerre, fortunately not everyone has been so gullible so as to end up Mis-educated by the Imperialist's narrative. Truth keeps exposing itself and Yes, it Hurts.
ReplyDeleteBritish imperialism stopped low level scum like you being slaves.
Deleteyes, we get it, you believe that the world would be a better place if Britain had not gone to war with the Nazis and the Nazis had won WWIi in Europe, and the Japanese had won WWII in the Pacific...
DeleteSure... you must be right
The british went to war against the nazis??? That's a good one. Thanks for the laugh. The british collaborated with the nazis, never fought any battle worth mentioning... They stalled hoping that the soviet union would lose. Feel free to mention any major battles between the british and the nazis. Zero. You are insanity at its best.
DeleteDear Doofus...
DeleteTry The Battle of Normandy, The Battle for Caen
It's easy enough to find in history books, but probably you don't rwad any history, just moan about it
And Yes; the responses herein do speak volumes...
ReplyDeleteYou gullible, stupid cunt.
DeleteThe best thing to happen to your God-forsaken country was the British.
Everything you have has been culturally appropriated from the British, you've invented nothing, you've created nothing, you would be nothing except for the British.
Kiss my boots and lick my arse you cretinous cunt.
Indeed Jeffrey. You can understand a lot by these fanatic cunts that spread their hatred under every post that exposes their filthy history.
DeleteSick shit from a sick cunt
ReplyDeleteNomem de Cunt is so fucking stupid he doesn't realise Charles Manson didn't kill anyone.
ReplyDeleteThe stupid, pig shit thick cunt.
When you read the amateurish drivel on this piece of shit, you realise the depths of ignorance in the world. Depressing stuff.
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ReplyDeleteYou can add this,,
ReplyDeleteUnder Greece & Cyprus, which is reason why waves of Southern Europeans migrated out of their motherland, due to instability created by White parasites.
oooh look a communist... of course Greece and Cyprus under the communist dictatorship was an economic and human disaster...with no freedom of speech, no free press, almost no trade, and thousands of political prisoners..
Deletebut sure, you go ahead and believe that it was a paradise (I guess like Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge)
Mhm sure thing. So basically you label the national resistance that liberated Greece from the nazis as "the communists"... By all means, reveal your true colors once again. Just like your nazi collaborator family did I'm sure.
Deleteright back at ya Doofus ... great name btw...
DeleteIt was better before the Brit's & Nazi's decided to go to war over control of Europe, infest and fuck every place on the planet, cause their asses got cold and couldn't stay in the North Pole where they belong.
ReplyDeleteThat's why the UK & Germany have turned to shit, what goes around comes around.
yes, we get it, you believe that the world would be a better place if Britain had not gone to war with the Nazis and the Nazis had won WWIi in Europe, and the Japanese had won WWII in the Pacific...
DeleteSure... you must be right as you cloak yourself in caring about poor little Cyprus...
The british never REALLY fought against the nazis. They stalled till the end of the war along with the rest of the western alliance. The war in the real world was fought between the soviet union and germany. Around 30 million soviets, mainly Russians, perished in the war to liberate europe from the nazis and inevitably also to weaken british imperialism. Unfortunately today it continues with the US (with the UK always willingly joining every invasion like a little poodle), but its the last chapter of it. The only people that think that "the british fought against the nazis" are ridiculous british imperialists themselves. The same people that think that "the british ended slavery". lol keep dreaming. The rest of the world is not completely delusional.
Deletehey Doofis, I'm right with you on the Soviets paying in blood, but Stalin happily paid the price to get Eastern Europe...
DeleteYou are quite right that the highest price was paid in Russia/Eastern Europe alongside Manchuria and China...
But hey - it's all in the past... move on, maybe have a nice cup of English Tea perhaps...
hey Doofis - so the War in North Africa against Germany didn't actually happen then?
DeleteBitterness and vitriol doesn't change the past
ReplyDeleteColonisation bad at it was is not a reflection of the British but humans in general following basic instinct of power seeking and territory to defend there progeny If you want to blame any body try God for self awareness and self agrandisment of Man as the ruler over the animal kingdom ( I could also blame the Vikings, The Angles, Jewish slavery Arab Muslim expansionism in the name of religion, the Mongol invasion of India, Catherine the Great, etc etc )
As an Indian politician in the press said After 70 years as Independence you cant keep blaming the British for everything
What are you going to do about it? eg In the prescence of the West East political blocks in the UN
We need population control and zero growth aspiration
Don't say birth control and vaccination in Africa and India is proto colonialism versus China "helping " Africa or Russia helping Georgia and the Ukraine
I think the specific facts in the blog are accurate but the view is completely one sided
I remember the slave cages in Nigeria at eh docks being visited by a "black" US tourist retrieving her culture and being shocked that Africans sold slaves from the interior to the "whites" I could point to many other massacres other tribes that you don't document having the same effect by other "tribes" in the name of self interest
Solve the future don't pour vitriol. More people will die by starvation and water shortage by climate change while you rant on the unsolvable past and generate negative reasons for the oppression of the past to prevent people moving on. Forgive but don't forget and move on!
Yours an Irish Scot oppressed by ethnic clensing of the "Anglo-Normans" who were Vikings in the slave trade of red headed Irish girls to the Balck Sea I too am seeking recompense
( I trust this blog understands Irony)
By the way Richard Gott (see above) seems to be completely unbiased in the generation of fake news as an ex KGB agent of influence which he has denied
ReplyDeleteI define fake news as putting in verifiable facts with biased implication to skew the readers views, of course in another presidents view they may just be false facts undefinable unverifiable or untrue
eg Britain destroyed Cyprus. Yes together with the Holy Roman Empire SApin the Crusaders and the Ottomans. The Liberal conscience gave it independence and the Greek church took it over result anarchy
Yours Sadly
PS This site is so much less expensive than psychotherapy
Thank you and a blight on your ancestors : the women who walked out of Africa and killed the Neanderthals - more colonisation. I await for a big rock to fall from the sky and decimate me and my atheistic kind I should have printed all in red and block as flame mail to reduce my blood pressure furher as banning cars in London without a transport solution is causing it to rise again. I am a slave to the Romano British evil empire as you may have guessed (but better than living that haven of peace and tranquillity, Zimbabwe, or Venezuela where our white British mayor reigns over perfection at your expense.
@ SadlyHuman: Me too - I completely agree,
ReplyDeleteI feel totally responsible for whatever the British Empire did including:
* inventing Slavery - which never existed before we invented it)
* inventing racism and ignorance to keep our slaves quiet!
and understand (like the owner of this blog) that I should feel guilt for everything that was ever done by the British in history, and that all the ills of the world throughout history (like the Holocausts in Nazi occupied Europe and Manchuria under the Japanese) can be blamed only on Britain...
After all, it's clear that the world would be a better place if Briatain and the United States had capitulated in WWII - surely that's just common sense right?
Also, the owner of this blog is a citizen of Australia, a country that should not exist as it was "invaded" or colonized by the British...
Britain and US contribution in WW2 was negligible. Pretty much all historians agree that the outcome of WW2 without the intervention of the western alliance at the very end of it, would be pretty much the same: The soviet union would have defeated the nazis as it did.
DeleteWell, it was Stalin himself who stated that without Lend Lease the USSR would have lost the war...
DeleteNot to mention that we kept a quarter of a million German, Italian troops busy in North Africa and Western Europe...
I really think you need to do a little research on your WWII history, and leave out the hatred...
After all, all your anger directed against the so-called "British Empire" is really just anger inside you - you need to get in touch with your feminine side, and maybe get an education, or a life, whichever works..
ReplyDeleteYou pathetic boring cunt, go fuck a goat
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Deleteyou have a lot of big talk hiding anonymously on the internet ... like a little boy whining on and on...
Deletecompletely irrelevant rather like this entire blog full of out of context and distorted information
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DeleteI think you have a lot of anger in you, I think you should get out more, maybe get a girlfriend (or boyfriend), smell the roses, enjoy some fresh air...
DeleteMaybe you need a hobby, like trainspotting perhaps to take your mind of things...
Is it because you have no friends and are lonely that you troll people on the internet (invented by a British Scientist btw)
how shameful it is to a British !
Deletewe feel no shame, but great pride in our country's achievements and amazing history...
Deleteso don't worry about us British, you should focus on being ashamed for your appalling language, grammar, and failed education not to mention incredible ignorance and desire to kill millions of innocent people
the UK has no hope for future.
Deleteyou should try moving on from the past, look forward into a bright future with hope in your heart and joy in your soul...
DeleteThere's no point copy pasting more links, no one is going to read them, or care
you should try and live for today, and maybe get out into the sunshine, try and meet a nice girl, or maybe a man (up to you, no one cares) who can look after you...
lot's of love
Britishes must learn from Germans.
ReplyDeleteFuck off you sad degenerate cunt
DeleteYou're the cunt that married a goat
you should be decapitated with a chainsaw.
DeleteThere's no point copy pasting more links, no one is going to read them, or care - you are WASTING YOUR TIME on the Internet, which was invented by a GREAT BRITION, Sir Tim Berners-Lee
you should try moving on from the past, look forward into a bright future with hope in your heart and joy in your soul...
you should try and live for today, and maybe get out into the sunshine, try and meet a nice girl, or maybe a man (up to you, no one cares) who can look after you...
lot's of love, hugs and wet sloppy kisses boy
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThere's no point copy pasting more links, no one is going to read them, or care
DeleteHave fun on the World Wide Web that was invented by a BRITISH Scientist, Tim Berners-Lee who gave it to the world for FREE
Maybe go find yourself a nice boy or girl to look after you
Lots of love and kisses boy
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At school in London in the 1980s to 90s the education policy was simply not to talk much about the empire at all. Respect and thanks to people like yourself who highlight the atrocities and help to educate everyday people that have not been told the truth about their government policies and imperial past
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ReplyDeleteI'm 57 years old and female. I was diagnosed a couple of years ago with COPD and I was beyond scared! My lung function test indicated 49% capacity. After having had flu a year ago, the shortness of breath, coughing and chest pains continued even after being treated with antibiotics. I've been smoking two packs a day for 36 years. Being born without a sternum caused my ribs to be curled in just one inch away from my spine, resulting to underdeveloped lungs. At age 34 I had surgery and it was fixed. Unfortunately my smoking just caused more damage to my already under developed lungs. The problem was having is that I enjoy smoking and don't want to give up! Have tried twice before and nearly went crazy and don't want to go through that again. I saw the fear in my husband and children's eyes when I told them about my condition then they start to find solution on their own to help my condition.I am an 57 now who was diagnose COPD emphysema which I know was from my years of smoking. I started smoking in school when smoking was socially acceptable. I remember when smoking was permitted in hospitals. It was not known then how dangerous cigarettes were for us, and it seemed everybody smoked but i was able to get rid of my COPD lung condition through the help of Dr Akhigbe total cure herbal medicine. my husband saw his testimony on the internet he used his powerful medicine to cured different diseases. we contacted his email [} He has the right herbal formula to help you get rid and repair any lung conditions and others diseases, will cure you totally and permanently with his natural organic herbs,We received the medicine through courier delivery service. I wish anybody who starts smoking at a young age would realize what will eventually happen to their bodies if they continue that vile habit throughout their life.
God bless you Dr Akhigbe for your good hand work on my life.
ReplyDeleteI'm really impressed about the info you provide in your articles. It’s not easy to get such quality information online nowadays. I look forward to staying here for a long time.